First, we now have floor plans and renderings for vertical homes in 2BR, 3BR, and 4BR models. These plans were created by our talented in-house architectural team, led by Serrana Robledo. They offer a beautiful option for our buyers to build a more modern structure with a smaller footprint and more garden space. Personally, I find these to be a delightful improvement on previous designs and fall in line with how our community is growing. Check out some of the renderings here:

While you’re considering what type of home to build on your lot, the natural question that arises is how the costs of the building might be different. We should have accurate information to provide you in the coming weeks.
Our company is now developing several concepts in Santa Teresa: eco-residences at YokoVillage North and South, reforestation projects, as well as our upcoming retreat center at Sangha Teresa. Therefore we’ve recently launched a new company page at www.yokocompany.com. We invite you to explore this page which outlines all our projects and will soon keep you updated on the progress of each.

I’m extremely proud of the various investment opportunities I’ve been able to offer our community. The Santa Teresa market has shown strong growth this past year which, coupled with our ability to acquire and develop key properties at a great price, is helping us grow and deliver on our mission.
In this holiday season, I want to thank all of you who’ve trusted me thus far to see this project through. Trust is not something easily attained and building a home in a foreign country required many of you to take a leap of faith. My first few investors, aka The Lucky 6, took a big chance on supporting YokoVillage in the early days. They’ll all be proud to know that in this short time their investment has already increased over 4x in value. In fact, 4 of our 7 first investors have even reinvested in other projects.

Last, I want to express how grateful I am to be working with such a talented and devoted team. This company is nothing without you AND we’re growing! We’re currently hiring for 3 different roles, linked below if you have any referrals.
Things are looking bright for 2022. We’re currently now in the peak season which means progress is only accelerating. I hope to meet many of you in the new year.
To a sweet, healthy, and prosperous new year. Happy Holidays.
Liran Jakob Rosenfeld.

Follow our events on our Facebook and Instagram pages to stay up to date on what we are doing in the community. As always, reach out to us if you have any questions or want to schedule a call with us. Stay tuned for more exciting developments happening at YokoVillage!