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Buying a house, building homes – is easy. Everyone can do that! Do you know your neighbors? Do you love them?

I’d like to share a Big Realization I had recently after my second Zoe Experience and after hosting for the 4th time Yoko Connect Festival. 

I finally understood that I haven’t been doing the right thing—and it only took me four years to figure it out. 🙈 

I’m incredibly happy to be turning a new page today. (bear with me 😃, I’m here to share something truly extraordinary and I saved the best part for last).

Picture taken from the Zoe experience at Yoko Village Connect #4


For the past four years, I’ve been building a community. We have 70 families and individuals that are part of Yoko Village North, South and Sangha. 

In the beginning, and even occasionally now, people would ask me how do you determine who’s going to be part of this and who’s not? I always felt that we are organically attracting the right people. At 90% that’s my view. 

Yoko Village isn’t just a real estate project; this is a community. While I see “communities” everywhere. They are all just real estate projects in the disguise of community. It is so hard to do the real estate part as well as the community part in parallel. This has been my challenge and my passion.

This is what Community is about (it’s about the people and their engagement with one another)


And this is what development is about:


Development Vs Community (Both are expensive!)

The development part is the part that’s all about money and timelines. It’s a completely different type of expertise. No real estate developer is willing to do what it takes to really build a community unless they are also really living that way of life. 

Hello, that’s me!


The community part is about connecting people, enjoying together, doing more for each other, and creating spaces for each other. Organizing initiatives and events. It is also about having community space/s, having a team of people that are pursuing community as part of their job description and role. At Yoko these are people that are part of the team, people who create experiences, musicians, artists and indeed we have all that beauty.

But how can you do both community and development? This is the tricky part.  And how can you create a community while things are not built yet? 

This brings another question, how can the community be really connected from a far? 

It’s about creating more community experiences

Kenyon Salo – Bucket list of life – from Yoko Connect #4


Here is my big realization. There is a better way to do this. 

In March 2023 Yoko Connect festival was born. Later in August 2023 we had the second one.  January 2024 the 3rd and January 2025 the 4th. We thought, we are going to do this once a year. Indeed, each Yoko Connect has been more successful, more connecting than its previous. Each one has been a big success. 

However, between one event and another, there is a big disconnect. And we could not bridge that gap online.

At these events, people have an amazing time. They truly connect, sometimes even starting businesses together or forming new friendships. And I’d think, Wow, this is great! This is what I wanted. But the reality is, a few months later, most of those connections faded. By the time the next Yoko Connect comes around, there’s been a big disconnect.

Over the years, I’ve only been able to scratch the surface when it comes to connection. I’d meet people over email or Zoom, maybe have a second call, trying to understand who they are and if they’re the right fit for Yoko Village. I’d ask things like:

  • What do you care about in Costa Rica?
  • What’s your situation?
  • What do you love?

I tried to understand their desires. Usually it’s the same: seeking wellness, healthy food, remote work, freedom, peace, prosperity, and a sense of belonging. These were always the possibilities Yoko Village offered. People would visit, take a site tour, maybe have a meal with me or friends from our team—and that was it. There wasn’t enough opportunity for deep connection.


The Turning Point: ZOE

Then, in May last year, I attended the Zoe Experience in California. It was completely different from any retreat I had ever done. It was based on universal rules. 

At Zoe, we formed small groups  (like we did in the picture)


and practiced deep listening, deep sharing, deep commitment to privacy, and honest feedback.


Within a few hours, I felt more deeply connected to these strangers than I did to some of my closest friends. Why? Because we discussed real, meaningful topics:

  • Love, and how we express it in our lives
  • The challenges we face
  • Shame, guilt—things we don’t normally share with others
  • Our dreams and visions
  • The resources we have or want to achieve

At one point, I closed my eyes and spoke for seven minutes about my ideal world while others wrote down my words and gave me feedback. These exercises, combined with deep listening and sharing, created something incredible: Trust.

This level of trust builds the foundation for a real community—people who truly know each other, understand each other’s goals, and share a sense of direction.

We recently hosted a Zoe Experience at Yoko Village.

It was so powerful that we’ve decided to do more. Not just here in Santa Teresa, but all over the world. We’re embarking on a new journey of connection. This is how we can truly connect with new people and also stay connected as a community. When we have a deep sense of knowing each other, and ourselves, our shared directions, vision and dreams we have the opportunity to collaborate. That’s where Synergies are created and that’s what can make a difference in a community vs pretending to be a community.

Zoe is led by Daniel, who has an incredible ability to guide people through fun yet deeply transformative exercises. 

There is more, Zoe has the perfect online program that keeps everyone in touch constantly.

When you go through Zoe, you don’t just connect with others—you connect with yourself and you finally GET IT. And from this space of true connection, we can co-create, be great neighbors, and build something real together.


I am here to offer you to Join Us for the Next Zoe Experience at Yoko Village on April 4-6, 2025

  • Ticket Price: $950 (includes three meals a day, cooked by our amazing chef)
  • Lodging: Available separately at a discounted price, starting at $150 per night. Spa experience includes: Sauna, Ice Bath, Hot tub, Salt Swimming pool, Gym and if you book in advance you can also use our Podcast studio for a recording. 
  • Scholarships Available: If you can’t afford the full price but truly want to attend, you can apply by sharing your story, why you want to join, and what budget you have.

If this resonates with you reply this email or click the link to pay & register.


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Follow our events on our Facebook and Instagram pages to stay updated on what we do in the community. As always, reach out to us if you have any questions or want to schedule a call with us. Stay tuned for more exciting developments happening at Yoko Village!


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