Today, you will learn about Yoko Village’s initiative to reintroduce Scarlet Macaws to Santa Teresa, Mal Pais, and the surrounding areas of our vibrant Blue Zone.

Wild Sun Macaw Breeding and Reintroduction Project Background
During Yoko Connect, we shared more about Yoko Village’s active role at the Wild Sun Rescue Center. Our plan is to raise awareness and funds to support wildlife in our locality.
Goal: Bring scarlet macaws back to Santa Teresa.
Timeline: The first release of macaws would be in about a year
Yoko Village Fundraising Goal: U$D 90,540
Call for Action: Reply back to this email with your donation amount
We’re inviting you watch keynote speaker Jeremy Levine, founder of Wild Sun
Who is Wild Sun: Wild Sun Rescue Center has been around for 7 years and together with Asoprolapa have reintroduced over 10% of all Scarlet Macaws in Costa Rica. Wild Sun located in Cabuya, 20 minutes drive from Yoko Village, is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of local wildlife. Wild Sun reintroduces locally extinct species; treats sick, injured and orphaned animals with the goal of releasing each back to the wild; and finds solutions to the threats our wildlife face.

Why Yoko Village would like to work with Wild Sun: Working with Wild Sun will speed the reintroduction of macaws to the area and increase the chances of success. Wild Sun already has (hard-to-obtain) permits; successful breeding birds; protocols for care, housing and feeding of juvenile birds until they are mature enough to be released.

Why support scarlet macaw introduction:
The scarlet macaw (Ara macao) is one of the most emblematic species of Costa Rica. Formerly present in the entire Nicoya Peninsula and the entire dry and humid forest area of the country, the wild population of scarlet macaws almost completely vanished 50 years ago due to habitat destruction and intense poaching for the pet trade. Scarlet macaws are important in several biological processes, such as regeneration of the environment, dispersal and germination of seeds, and population control of various species of trees and shrubs. They can help reforest areas not long ago decimated by the cattle industry and commercial expansion. As former cattle land recovers, these species can speed up re-biodiversification of native flora which in turn supports a plethora of local fauna.

Summary of proposed project: We propose to continue to breed macaws at Wild Sun that would be released in Yoko Village in the Santa Teresa-Mal Pais area. This will require multiple releases over time, supplemental feeding of newly released birds, monitoring them, identifying natural nesting sites, and providing additional secure and monitored nesting sites.
Expected Costs: The first year of the project includes a one-time cost of building an enclosure for the juvenile bird at the release site to acclimatize them to the area. The total budget is $90,540. In subsequent years, the budget is expected to be $58,140.
Wire Instructions & Tax Benefits
Wild Sun is fiscally sponsored by Green Wave Enterprises, a 501c3 organization of the United States, hence all donations are tax deductible within the US for US entities. We also offer tax benefits if you donate from a Costa Rica company directly to Wild Sun. Visit the Wild Sun donation package for more information.

For donations between $1-1000, we recommend donating through:
Online giving:
Monthly donations:
Bank Name: Amalgamated Bank
Bank ID: 026003379
Bank Address: 275 7th Ave
New York, NY 10001
Beneficiary Account Number: 5023882
Beneficiary Name: Green Wave Enterprises (WILD SUN RESCUE)
Beneficiary Address: 9409 Forest Edge Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89149
Please convert monies to USD beforehand to ensure acceptance of the funds, if applicable.
Receiving Bank: The Bank of New York Mellon
Receiving Bank Address: 240 Greenwich St.
New York, NY 10007
Beneficiary Account Number: 8901655740
Beneficiary Name: Amalgamated Bank
Beneficiary Address: 275 7th Ave
New York, NY 10001
Originator to Beneficiary Information: Green Wave Enterprises Inc – Account # 5023882